TRAVEL TALES Explore and Discover Food in South Africa An article by : LAW , Wai Chung , Rosetta Renowned for its extensive history, South Africa became one of the must-visit countries on my travel list. I went to the Southernmost country in Africa last Christmas out of admiration for its varied topography, great natural beauty and most importantly, mouth- watering cuisine. South African food did not let me down! As a big fan of seafood, I dropped in a European and When talking about South Africa, ostriches, ordered a seafood platter without doubts. which are the world’s largest birds with long There were a whole golden cheese-and-garlic- legs and necks, and large bodies covered with baked lobster, fried calamari rings and grilled shaggy feathers, is the first word that comes to White Stumpnose fillet which was claimed to be my mind. I visited a zoo where there were one of the most sought-after seafood in South many different kinds of animals, ostriches Africa for its tasty white flesh when grilled. included. Here’s a little fun fact: an ostrich’s Though it tasted good, it was not comparable to eye is bigger than its brain! Being intellectually that of the giant grouper which is getting rare less advanced, they bury their heads when now due to overfishing. To me, giant groupers faced with danger and consider themselves can be said to be “the King of seafood” whose invisible flesh is always scrumptiously sweet with the The sad thing was that after taking pictures right amount of fishiness (if it is fresh). Not to with the ostriches, the zoo arranged a meal forget its translucent and chewy layer of fat with the theme of “ostrich” for visitors. The beneath its skin which is very rich in collagen. staff explained that the abundance of ostriches  restaurant in IT Magazine / February Issue Seaview, Johannesburg 35