CHECKING - IN WITH THE ITS Next, two games played with the theme of coping with limited vision. In one, buddies had to skillfully untangle the Human Knot they had created by blindly grabbing each other’s hands. In the other, Blind Drawing, they paired up to explain to each other how to draw pictures that their partners could not see. Both activities trained their ability to think from someone else’s perspective. Finally, the buddies also played two kinds of Charades, where speech was limited rather than vision. The first was the classic version where someone has to explain a word or phrase without speaking. The second, Telephone Charades, required the buddies to teach a gesture to each other in a long chain, inevitably changing it along the way due to misunderstandings and leading to perhaps the loudest laughter during the whole two-hour evening. All in all, the Team-building Games were a fun and fruitful way to start the 2019/2020 season of buddy activities. The International Tutors would like to thank the buddies who joined and look forward to hosting more events in the upcoming months. IT Magazine / February Issue 9