MOTIVATION MEMO Overcome Your Fears by : PEI , Pangzhongyuan Floria Have you ever told yourself that you are not able to achieve something? Have you ever convinced yourself that you are meant to be mediocre? How many chains have you dressed yourself up with?  But, have you noticed that it is all fake? Only your fear can account for all this self- doubt and self-negation, maybe you are just afraid. I totally know this kind of fear, as I totally understand that we all fear the uncertain. We have our own ambition and goals, which makes us unique and prominent. However, we just want to escape the failure that may occur after all our effort and time. We are too eager to reach success, yet too afraid to accept failure, so we run away and hide from our expectations while focusing on the limitations we have made up. We all do the same thing, always or once in a while. But we just forget, how colourful the future can be, how splendid the scenery before us can be, how bright the stars over our head can be if, only if, we step out of our comfort zone, only if we reach out to fight against all misery. So why not just give yourself another try? IT Magazine / December Issue 35