CLE’s Creative Writing Contest
An article by : BELHADDAD , Maria
This April, the Centre for Language in
Education (CLE) held the 4th edition of
its annual Creative Writing Competition.
Hosted by Maria Belhaddad and Viviana For this year’s contest, the organisers
adopted a different approach; instead of
providing a theme or topic, they
provided a photograph taken by a
Gonzalez Lobato, with the help of fellow
international tutors, this year’s contest
came with a twist!
The contest’s was open to all full-time
undergraduate and graduate students.
Its aim lies in encouraging students who
are keen on writing to share their ideas
and creative compositions. student. This not only encouraged
students who are into art and
photography to have a platform where
they could share their work, but it also
allowed potential students who wish to
enter the contest to have more room for
creativity. After all, "one picture is worth
more than a thousand words”. Thus, the
IT Magazine / April Issue