It is Written Oct. 2013 | Page 22
Cutaway Shot
This is when a continuously filmed action is interrupted by inserting a view of
something else. This interruption is usually quick. This shot is a flashback and
repetition of Jamal’s favourite memory of Latika. She is seen in all her beauty,
radiance and you are left in awe of her. It is not a busy background with only
the passing train, making her the focal point. In this shot, she is smiling and
her hair is blowing, which is cliché for a romantic moment in a film. Putting the
shot into context, this is when she decided to risk everything just to see Jamal
explaining why it is his favourite memory of her. Whenever Jamal is going
through a difficult time this picture flashes through his head which calms him
Dolly or Tracking
This technique is used to create a sense of audience involvement in the film.
It makes the audience feel like they are running in her shoes or trying to keep
up with her. This makes them a part of the story. Her fast pace and energy
adds to the suspense and put the viewers on the edge of their seats to see if
she is able to reach the phone in time.