doesn’t want Jamal to steal his light away. Prem was the only slumdog in history
to win ‘who wants to be a millionaire’ , and wants to hold the title, this is why he
tries so hard to stop Jamal from getting any chances to win. This is where the
conflict starts.
Prem thought that Jamal was cheating because as a slumdog without any
education he won’t have a chance to win all the money but if he did then he
must of cheated. So he takes Jamal to be interrogated by the police to get a
confession from Jamal proving he was cheating.
The Police Inspector
By Nolan Hermann
Good day, and welcome to this week’s show of Mumbai Mumble. On our show today
we have the famous police inspector who interrogated world renowned Jamal Malik,
winner of a recent round of Who Wants to be a Millionaire India. He was suspected of
cheating to gain all the answers to the questions in the show, but later relieved of all
charges, thanks to our guest who has come in today.
N: So, to start off with, we don’t really know your name. Would you mind sharing it with
I: Sorry, I’d like to keep that strictly confidential, so you can just call me Inspector.
N: Ok, Inspector, so what were your first thoughts when you were approached for the
I: Well, I thought it was just the usual slumdog coming in on accounts of theft, but I
never realised that he was thought to be cheating on the show.
N: And when you first saw him?
I: I was quite shocked, he didn’t seem the type to lie and cheat, but looks can be
deceiving, so I continued the interrogation nonetheless.
N: What made you realise he was innocent?
I: He was cooperative into telling me how he knew all the [???\??\???X?H?]?\??????K[?H???Y???Y???Z[??]\?X[H\X\??]?]?X[H???[??Y??