IT Facilities on Campus
Personal File Storage (S:Drive)
You have personal file storage (S:Drive) to
store all your important documents which
you can access from the IT Suite PCs, or the
Wireless Network. You can also access it using
your mobile device by downloading an App
from your mobile devices App Store. If you
wish to store documents to access from home
or on campus, you can also use your Google
Drive, which has unlimited storage.
If you require more storage space on your
S:Drive, you can contact IT CONNECT
for your disk quota to be increased, but
remember you should only use this to store
your academic work and not your music
or video collection.
Remember to save your work regularly
and back up your documents!
Software such as Microsoft Office 365
(among others) is freely available
to students.
All current Keele students are entitled
to download a copy of Microsoft Office
365 on up to 5 personally owned devices,
free of charge.
In addition, NVivo and SPSS (Windows and
OS X) can be obtained from IT CONNECT.
for more information.
Enjoy online gaming by connecting your
games console(s) to our wireless network
eduroam in the halls of residence.
If you require more
storage space on
your S:Drive, you can
contact IT CONNECT
for your disk quota
to be increased
*Correct at time of printing