ISU Magazine Summative Volume1 | Page 18

Pros and Cons of Parenting

The Pros of Being a Parent:

1) An unconditional attachment forms between parent and child, tying them together to form a deep and impenetrable bond, providing security and stability for both.

2) Their smile can brighten your darkest day and their laughter can bring you to unforgettable happiness. They can make you laugh by simply looking a certain way, making the smallest sound or saying the cutest thing.

3) You are able to watch that child grow and develop day-by-day, experiencing their every milestone, mistake and achievement. The satisfaction of seeing them succeed at something you have taught them can be compelling and encouraging, giving you a great confidence boost.

4) You can be there for them whenever they need you, and they're there for you, they will love you unconditionally.

5) There are many opportunities for meeting new people through your local children's centre that become available when becoming a parent, opening up avenues to experience socialising with different people in different surroundings.

Becoming a parent is hard work, but the reward you get at the end of your hard work is amazing!