white trousers. It is not suitable to
attend an invitation with a frock coat
because the servant wears it.After
10:30 white trousers should be
changed to a black pair.
Morning Coat: A leader ( of a nation
or a company) when adressing a
crowd should wear silver colour pair
of trousers and a west accompanied
by a topper.The ones who listen to
him should wear black trousers.
sent to Oscar Nomination Evening.
What makes Kordonciyan Tuxedos
world famous?
Belief and passion at first ofcourse.
Then I can say the meeting of the
orginal Tuxedo cloth with 120 years
of houte coutre culture.We are the
only team that use original tuxedo to
create our costumes.
Can you tell us about this special
–original tuxedo cloth?
When a real tuxedo cloth absorbes
smoke ,any odour it gives out them
as it contacts with fresh air.
We use our specially produced tuxedo
clothes. We hold them for a long
time in special pools to make them
ready for sewing.
At this point it is necessary to
mention about the tuxedo culture
Can you tell us briefly about it?
It may be needed to start from the
ancestors of Tuxedos
Bonjour : Gentlemen wear Bonjour
in the morning from 8:30 to 10:30.
It is composed of black jacket and
Frock Coat :It was originally designed
for equitation but it gradually became
a formal suit. At a formal party host
wears frock coat.
Tuxedo has been evolved from these
set of costumes. Before the formal
party gentlemen used to arrive with
their business costumes and wear
their tuxedos in smoking rooms while
discussing and chatting about the