Issue Three | Page 47

ACTRESS DEVERY JACOBS Standing Up For Diversity And What Is Right Devery Jacobs Rising Star Q and A by Blaine Schlechter You have a very successful week with two shows premiering almost at the same time! Let’s start with the Netflix Original series that just debuted this week – THE ORDER. You play the character of LILITH BATHORY…tell us a little about the character and about what viewers can expect when they watch the show? Yes, it seems like all of the projects I’ve done recently are coming together all at once! Lilith is a bad ass. She is a double agent between the two sworn secret societies. Lilith is really like not having this guy; she hates the order, she doesn’t agree with what Jack’s doing, but even though she’s kind of a tough character with a bit of a mean streak and some blood lust, she’s also a really good friend deep down. It was a really fun journey in exploring such a sassy character. It’s a fun show. Speaking of great shows…another one that had its season 2 premiere – AMERICAN GODS, where Devery plays SAM BLACK CROW. What’s in store for the fans in the second season? Sam Black Crow is the biggest female characters in the novel, which I was a huge fan of. Sam represents two-spirited indigenous people and it was a character that I was hounding for years, because I have been such a fan of the novel. So I’m happy that I was cast in it and there’s been a huge outpouring of support for Sam and wanting me to play Sam and I’m really excited for everybody to see the introduction of Sam in the season. I make an appearance in episode three and its Sam’s first encounter with Shadow Moon. Sam is really sarcastic, she’s another tough…I don’t know what it is but apparently I’m like really good at tough character’s (laughs). She’s tough and sarcastic but she’s also innately curious about life, but also about Shadow and they have a really amusing encounter that exposes a side of shadow that we haven’t seen in the show before. This is the introduction to Sam in this season and there’s so much source materiel to pull from the book…I’m excited for everybody to see us dive into Sam. You are known for being proud of your Indigenous roots, what does it mean to you to be considered a role model for other indigenous actors or any young female actor for that matter? I definitely feel the pressure of that and the pressure of representing my community properly. I think it’s something that I take on because the history of media and the history of film and television has, since the beginning of the inception of the industry, has always been filled with misrepresentation; like white washing and red face. Now is a time where we can finally take control of our stories back and to share our truths on screen, which is something that is so important and I’m so grateful to be able to do that in my work. I take it on and being able to help Indigenous people is something that I’m hugely passionate about in my life and something that I love exploring through art. So being a self-proclaimed foodie – which do you prefer, dining out or cooking at home? I used to say dining out for the most part, because there some really talented chefs out there from other cultures that I don’t understand the flavors of cooking with yet. But I’m getting into combining flavors and experimenting in the kitchen, so I need that balance of both. Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs, photos by Justine Nelson and Amira de Vera of Project Four PR Follow @kdeveryjacobs I'm Here With | 45