Issue No.22 - International Edition Polo De’Marco Magazine - International Edition | Page 109

The Ramon Craterin theNegev Desertwas, for centuries a wonder to those who lived in the land. Thought to be the work of an asteroid which collided with the earth and created a huge crater-like landform (and a number of smaller ones nearby), it is now known that the Ramon Crater is actually the result of water erosion when the desert was, thousands of years ago, covered by oceans. With its incredible outlook, and the unique climate and wildlife within the crater itself, the Ramon Crater is definitely one of the most beautiful places in Israel. Many visitors to Israel miss the Negev but check our Negev Tours for ideas about how to visit. The Dead Sea TheDead Seais the lowest place on earth and whether you actually go in it or admire its beauty from further away, there is little doubt that this is one of the most beautiful places in Israel. Its saline bright blue waters combined with the bright sunlight of the surrounding Negev Desert, create magnificent sunrises and sunsets which people visiting Israel from around the world marvel at every day. Visit the Dead Sea on your own, or take a tour to Masada and the Dead Sea, or the Dead Sea alone.. Sunset over the Mediterranean Coast Mediterranean Sunset by Or Hiltch, on Flickr Israel’s Mediterranean Coast produces amazing sunsets! Whether you are walking along the promenade alongside Tel Aviv Beach, sitting at the beautiful archaeological site at Caesarea, or observing from high atop Mount Carmel, you will likely be blown away by the magnificent shades of red that the sky will turn as the sun falls beyond the horizon.More beautiful places in IsraelIsrael is a beautiful country and beauty is subjective! We’re sure you will have other places in Israel which you will consider to merit a place on this list... why not comment below and leave your favorites, and if you can get enough people to like it, we might just be able to add it on to this list!