Issue No.22 - International Edition Polo De’Marco Magazine - International Edition | Page 108

5 of the Most Beautiful Places in Israel I srael is a beautiful country, there’s no denying that fact. With its diverse landscapes and scenery, ranging from desert in the south to lush green hills in the north, that beauty is incredibly varied, and whilst traveling in Israel you are almost certain to, very often, gasp in awe at the beauty this land has to offer. Here are five of the most beautiful places in Israel which you might like to include when deciding what to do in Israel. Hula Valley The beautiful Hula Valley by Flavio Grynszpan The Hula Valleyin the far north of Israel may appear very different to the sandy desert that many people consider Israel to be covered by, but this spot, which is one of the most important stop-off spots for migrating birds and as a result, one of the best bird watching sites in the world, was until recently a malarial swamp which was drained and rehabilitated. Today, people visit from around the world just to watch the birds, although the tranquil outlook and peaceful leisure activities make it a great place for all to visit. Ramon Crater The Ramon Craterin theNegev Desertwas, for centuries a wonder to those who lived in the land. Thought to be the work of an asteroid which collided with the earth and created a huge crater-like landform (and a number of smaller ones nearby), it is now known that the Ramon Crater is actually the result of water erosion when the desert was, thousands of years ago, covered by oceans. With its incredible outlook, and the unique climate and wildlife within the crater itself, the Ramon Crater is definitely one of the most beautiful places in Israel. Many visitors to Israel miss the Negev but check our Negev Tours for ideas about how to visit. The Golden City of Jerusalem Beautiful Jerusalem of Gold by Or Hiltch, on Flickr Jerusalem, the ‘City of Gold’ is beautiful. Whether you observe it from up close, walking through the narrow streets of the Old City, or step back and take in the panorama from one of the amazing outlook spots such as the Haas Promenade, theglisteningstone whichsymbolizesthis city, considered so holy and important by so many people, and the magical approach to the city through the lush Jerusalem Hills make it one of the most beautiful places to visit in Israel. There are many ways to visit Jerusalem, but check out our Jerusalem Tours for some great options for starting to explore this city