Issue Five Issue5 - TheZoom Magazine | Page 15

The stories you write By Sharon Amanda It’s these little things I never want to forget; It’s these mo- ments I want to be reminded of when I am 80 years old and I just want to remember how great you, my God are; really it’s times like these I live for; times like these that once again remind me that you are God and Nobody beats you at that. Last year, God gave me a job, literally! God handed me a job after a few hard months of uncertainty and darkness won- dering why He had not done what I knew He could do. The first few days of that wait were very hopeful but the last were the worst. I looked like a fool for not doing what others called ‘my best’. I applied for a few jobs online, interviewed for some but was never picked. So, somehow I gave up and instead started spending my days in my room watching ser- mons and crying myself to sleep. It was a season I couldn’t understand, a hard season nobody had prepared me for when I fully surrendered my life to Christ a few months prior to that. And one day, on a lazy afternoon, I got my weary self out of my bed and decided to go look in the neighborhood if there was any store hiring. I knew I didn’t have any chance, but I did it so I could feel like I had tried that day. My first stop was a grocery shop. I went in and started looking for someone I could ask if they were hiring and the first person I asked told me he wasn’t sure but that their company was hiring. I was like, “oh, you are separate from this store?”, the guy said, “yeah, we are a different company and I think we are hiring”. He gave me the information of the manager, two days later I had a job. Something about the way I got that job made me fear the Lord a little more because He showed me once again that He can allow you to go through a long dark season waiting for something He could do in a second. Something in the way He gave me that job and how He sustained me without it also somehow made me feel like this job was different, spe- cial and was coming for a purpose and guess what? I was right. A year and a few months later, This week is my last week at that job, and I just can’t find words to express what it has meant for me, how God has used it as a platform for Himself, how He’s used it to mold me, shake dirt off me, and speak things to me that one only gets to hear in Holy places. Saying all this could maybe make you think I loved this job so much; I didn’t. I have had many difficult experiences at the job that have made me consider quitting so many times. Just a few weeks ago, everyone I started with had left. There was a new team, and the only old team member that was left had just announced to me that she had put in her 2 weeks notice. I remember telling her that day from an emotional place that I was going to quit too. I had been tired for a while and watching everyone leaving made me want to leave too, but I knew it was not that easy for me. I knew God had given me the job and it was up to Him to tell me when to leave. I was not like everyone else, and that day that didn’t feel like a compliment at all. It was not about how I felt or the people I worked with/for felt anymore, it was about God doing and finishing the work He had started the very day I stepped into that work place. One thing I have learned is that there is a difference be- tween the things we get ourselves and those God gives us. The things God gives are very clear, you can’t ignore them because they have His name written all over them. It’s in the way He hands them to you, the way He sets them apart from anything else you’ve known that lets you know that something divine just got delivered to you and divine gifts always come for a purpose. I wrote this with hopes that you will know today that once you fully surrender your life to Him, everything that comes your way has purpose. The dark seasons, great seasons, jobs, schools, where you live, the people in your life… EVERYTHING. This purpose is His not yours and without seeking Him to know what to do with what He’s given you, you find yourself following the crowds and burning out. A few weeks ago, I sat down minutes before work started and started thinking of walking out and never come back. My heart was screaming! I was tired; I didn’t want to work there even for one more minute! I told God, I am sorry I couldn’t get to the finish line! And He said, “You can do this! And no, not yet! My assignments don’t end like that…”. And today, standing at the finish line, I can’t agree more! God’s divine assignments don’t end like that, they don’t end with us. They end with Him. He has the last word; and the stories He starts, He allows nobody to finish but Himself. Saying yes to Him means we get to live ordinary stories with extraor- dinary meanings. These stories are bigger than us, deeper than we can ever fathom. They outlive us and never leave us nor the places we’ve been the same. Wow God! We did it