Issue 90 | Page 44


Rugby Football Club

Interview with Club President Frank Bremner .
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED AND WHAT FIRST ATTRACTED YOU TO THE CLUB ? I have been actively involved in Rugby since my school years with deeper involvement over the last six years when my Grandson began playing in the Micros . The “ rugby family ” is something I am extremely grateful to be a part of and the spirit we now have from the players , committee and all associated with the club is outstanding !
WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ACCOUNTS FOR THE POSITIVE MOOD AT THE CLUB THIS SEASON ? Our club Positivity has been greatly enhanced by our desire to develop long term inclusivity for all our players and stakeholders . We have actively encouraged everyone to be involved in the decisions and planning within our club which in turn has afforded us all greater understanding of everyone ’ s needs at all levels . Overall this simple process has made all of us feel appreciated and a part of the club remodelling plans we have to fit within current times .
WHAT ARE THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVES IN BEING CLUB PRESIDENT ? Initially when I took on the role of President I must admit to being slightly daunted by the task ahead but wanted above all to try and pull everyone back into the fold and build a positive environment for the future which is working well throughout . There is of course a long way to go and the time involved to carry out the role is probably my only concern but I am extremely happy with progress to date enabling our club vision .
WHY DO YOU FEEL SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE A SPECIAL FONDNESS FOR CAITHNESS RFC ? CRFC has historically always been a strong part of our relatively small community and going forward we hope to increase our involvement to help wherever and whenever we can . Our local people recognises our strong club ethics and the ability to develop our youngsters and their social skills in a positive way . This is a two way street and manifests itself by the returning support we continually receive from those throughout our region .
AT CAITHNESS RFC ? Our new Clubhouse was constructed around 2014 / 15 and offers great facilities for all and is in fact almost fully booked all year round between our own use and local organisations which again allows us to push our message out into all areas of our community that all are welcome at Caithness Rugby Club . At the moment we have various regular users at the club ranging from Bingo for the elderly to keep fit and boxercise classes too .
WHAT IMPACT HAS THE CLUB HAD ON THE LOCAL COMMUNITY AND THE EXISTING CLUB MEMBERS ? One of my aims as president is to raise awareness within our community and entice as many people as possible to become part of the club and gain from the fantastic “ family orientated ” vision . Throughout the pandemic our time has been spent studying all areas to see where we can improve and adapt to make the best of the current times . We have re-established rugby in the schools , with greatly appreciated help from the SRU , and our dedicated team of coaches who are already growing in strength and the feedback on this journey is very positive . Our membership has grown substantially and I feel this is a clear evidence of support out with the players themselves and also creates a “ feel good ” factor for everyone .


The positive atmosphere we experience at
Caithness Rugby Club has been largely created by opening the club up to the women ’ s team which delivers a far more balanced playing group ...


PLEASE FINISH OFF BY TELLING ME WHAT MAKES CAITHNESS RUGBY CLUB SUCH A GREAT CLUB TO BE PART OFF ? Caithness Rugby Football club is unique in itself being the most northernly mainland UK rugby club but also prides itself on our history and the achievements made by both past and present players , coaches , committee members and supporters . Our club creates inclusion for everyone at all ages and most of all continues to strive and create an environment that is not only competitive but enjoyable , a place we want to go too without coercion whilst respecting each other regardless of any differences . I , as President of CRFC feel everything we have achieved and will achieve moving forward is down to the very much appreciated efforts of coaches , players , volunteers and the efforts of our community . Caithness Rugby Club are a `Team` not only on the Pitch but off the Pitch as well and I would sincerely like to thank everyone associated with our great club for all their help and support !