There's information about the mental health of tertiary students and what staff observed from the impacts of COVID. There’s a lot on how to apply the action areas of the framework and increase mental health literacy through use of the correct terminology.
There will also be information about workshops and some interactive sessions coming up, but also how to collaborate - how to share what you're doing and how to access what others are doing and who to contact for a chat.
Having flexibility and pathways; students being able to adapt their course loads if they need to respond to things that might be happening (in their lives). Getting really good feedback early so that they can see areas for improvement or where they're doing well, and knowing where to get more support if they need it.
It's things like doing group work activities - those assessments where students work together. It’s not just about the learning. It’s about teaching those skills like time management and conversation skills. It’s about making connections.
Go to the Student Mental Health intranet page or go to the resources via the direct links below.
Introduction to the Student Mental Health Framework
Introduction to Mental Health Terminology
Action Guide for supporting students
The Student Mental Health Framework
This is an edited extract.
The whole interview will be available soon as a
Navitas in Conversation! Podcast.