So, lecturing at SAE, what kinds of things are the students doing?
Film students are working on short narrative drama so I’ve been helping them with different ideas and we workshop these into 6-minute films. We give them enough scope to make some creative choices for filming… to move around Perth or go to the country if they can fit it in.
It must be challenging for students to come up with ideas for films and put them to you. Do you find that they come up with random things or do they follow a bit of a theme?
Sometimes they come up with some great left-field ideas that feel really fresh – unique twists on contemporary or familiar genres. Sometimes there's some average ideas, but we are able to put everyone’s heads together and find the unique perspective on a story. So, either way we approach it, they come up with some great stuff.
Students and crew on the set of Raising Thunder
This is an edited extract from a recorded conversation. The whole interview will be available soon as the first Green Apple podcast.