Issue 61 | Page 75

ganizational development . www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2022 - Edition 61

When asked for further details on her goals with NEC , Georgette shared the following :

The work that I m doing at NEC is in service of a cultural transfor- mation that in part will enable our business transformation plan .

The Diversity work involves part- nering with internal and exter- nal stakeholders to bring to life the company ' s DEI goals .

The goals involve initiatives that I usually describe using the iceberg analogy .

There is a bit of work ( iceberg ) above the water that is visible to employees , executives , and external stakeholders and then there is a huge body of work ( iceberg ) that exists underneath the surface .

The below-the-surface work is where the real transformation happens . I have to balance the two to ensure we are demonstrat- ing progress s and building trust with all appropriate stakeholders .

A recent training I provided in Ar- lington , VA , was an opportunity to bring the NEC National Security Systems ( NSS ) team together for the first time in a session where we focused on building connec- tions , exploring NEC s Diversity goals and progress thus far , and built some awareness around Unconscious

Bias , specifically Affinity bias and how we can mit- igate our own biases .

Connectedness Part of my area of responsibility is culture and part of building culture is creat- ing authentic human connec- tion . The session with the NSS team created space for the team to spend time together IRL in real life and learn more about who their colleagues were aside from their job titles . It was also an opportunity for me to meet NEC / NSS employees because I , too am new to the company , so I take every opportunity available to