Issue 61 | Page 46

If you need your gates , doors , parking arms , barriers , or roll- up doors to open for emer- gency responders , then you need an SOS installed on each of these devices today !

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2022 - Edition 61

The SOS Emergency Access System is the most cost-ef- fective way for emergency re- sponders to quickly and effi- ciently access your home or business without stopping or leaving their vehicle to en- ter a code or to use a key .

The SOS Silent allows for the fastest entry of any system available .

The reliability of the SOS Emer- gency Access System has made it mandatory in many commu- nities throughout the world .

No stopping , No getting out

McKay Lundgren is the Owner & President of Siren Operated Sensors ( SOS )

of the vehicle , No codes to re- member , No remotes to push , No keys to lose , and No cost to the municipalities .

SOS is saving lives , money and time .

To Learn More please visit https :// www . sosgate . com /,, or to upgrade your emergency access control plans today , call 1 ( 800 ) 767-4283 .