REI Wealth Issue #60 featuring Steve Davis, Total Wealth Academy | Page 61

Do you want to know how I have managed to get around not being able to assign a contract ? I have purchased properties in the name of an LLC set up exclusively to buy properties . I then sold the LLC to someone , making them the owner of the LLC , therefore making them responsible for closing on the purchase
Image by Russell Holden from Pixabay
funding . Setting up and maintaining an LLC will cost you money . Though the intent of a buyer might be to close on the transaction , sometimes “ life happens ” and something causes the buyer to be unable to follow through . You may have to walk away from earnest money , if you cannot find another buyer quickly
Now that you have learned strategies to consider , you will need to consider the type of properties you want to go after , developing a marketing strategy to find motivated sellers of those deals .
Please leave a comment if you have anything you would like add to what I have written here with the heart to support fellow real estate investors . I appreciate the feedback !
contract and end buyer of the property .
10 . Flipping – Wikipedia defines Flipping as is a term used primarily in the United States to describe the practice of buying an asset and quickly reselling ( or “ flipping ”) it for profit ...
This description pretty much explains property flipping , with there being a slight difference from that description of flipping assets . In real estate , you can get into an agreement to flip a contract you have gotten into before you even buy it . This can be done with ease when you know exactly what your buyers want and with no money out of your pocket utilizing transactional funding . Flipping can also mean closing and quickly reselling your property , sometimes even doing both transactions the same day – this being subcategorized a “ double closing ”.
• Advantages : My favorite strategy . You work the deal backwards . You create relationships with buyers who can close quickly with cash . Then you find a property meeting the needs of your buyers . This strategy allows you to profit literally from no money down , with lower risk and very little of your own time .
• Disadvantages : The law requires you to disclose your intent to resell quickly to sellers . When dealing with banks , this can sometimes cause your offer to be rejected . You must buy properties in the name of an LLC in order to utilize transactional
Tamera Aragon founded and ran her own small businesses since her teenage years . Then , at the age of 20 , she founded her first multimillion dollar company . Since then she has grown many , many successful businesses , both online and off . With the smarts to invest her money , she jumped into real estate investing . Since that time , Tamera Aragon has profited investing in hundreds of properties to date , establishing her as an expert in the real estate investing field .
Today Tamera finds her true passion lies in teaching others the steps to profitable real estate investing . This is why she continues as an online entrepreneur and event trainer , providing tools and tips for her step­by­step methods to finding profits in any type of real estate market .
Tamera ’ s experience has earned her a solid reputation in the industry , as well as the respect and friendship of many top national real estate investment experts . To gain a great education for how to do real estate investing , please enjoy the hundreds of articles and gain access to her many tools for real estate investing at : www . tameraaragon . com