Issue 57 Vol 1 | Page 5

To My Fellow Entrepreneurs ,

Don ’ t forget to check the membership site often for new articles and closely-guarded secrets you won ’ t find anywhere else . Login at : https :// dotcomsecrets . customerhub . net /

Over the past couple months , we ’ ve been experimenting with some cool marketing concepts , including a human spinner , QR codes and selling space . I ’ m excited to share what we found out with you this month . While at first glance , they don ’ t seem to be related - they can all help you drive traffic and add revenue streams to your business in unique ways hardly anyone else is using . You can read more about them in my articles on pages 4 and 32 . But before you do , I want to tell you about some more powerful concepts you ’ ll find in this issue :

SEO Overhaul ( Page 23 ): There are so many myths out there about the right and wrong way to do SEO . Frankly , as a business owner , it ticks me off when people claim to know how to “ work ” Google even though they don ’ t have any results to back them up . That ’ s where my friend Mike Richey comes in . He ’ s helped rank huge sites for keywords with competition in the billions and we ’ re currently working with him closely on our own sites . This month , he answered some of the most important SEO questions : like how to place your keywords for maximum impact , how to find keywords that convert , and much more to help you create a plan that delivers results .
21 Minute Traffic - Deal Sites ( Page 34 ): There ’ s no doubt you ’ ve heard about the craze online right now for sites like Groupon and Living Social that offer huge discounts on products . They often drive hundreds , even thousands of customers to businesses within a very short period of time . At first glance , this looks great for product owners - but there is a right and wrong way to do it . This month , our JV Coordinator for SuccessEtc . com , Mike Mart spelled out the myths with deal sites so your discount offer will be a great deal for you and your customers .
So , if you haven ’ t already , turn off the computer , tv and phone and lock the door and give yourself a couple hours to immerse yourself in these simple ideas that will have a lasting impact on your business and life . To Your Success ,
Russell Brunson
The Overnight Success Maker
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