Issue 51 | Page 3

As we continue to emerge from full lockdown , I ’ m encouraged to see an increasing feeling of positivity across Aycliffe Business Park .

As chair of Aycliffe Business Park Community , it ’ s fantastic to read about the new contract wins , major developments and ongoing investments we continue to learn about on the business park in these pages .
It has been nearly 18 months since we were last able to hold one of our regular news and networking meetings ‘ in person ’.
That last event was held at Hitachi in January 2019 , when Paul Howell introduced himself to attendees as our new MP . That feels like such a long time ago now !
The ABPC board – which is currently made up of seven volunteers from the business park and is independent from Aycliffe Business – has been working hard to maintain connection with our residents , hosting virtual events over the last year .
We ’ ve held several events via Zoom , with interview-style features with business leaders from around the park . We ’ ve also shared news and information , signposted help and support and enabled delegates to network . Thank you to everyone who has joined us to help make these a success .



Aycliffe Business is Newton Aycliffe ’ s only business publication , which is mailed exclusively to companies on Aycliffe Business Park .

Launched in November 2012 , we provide firms with a unique platform to tell everyone about their services and success stories in our prestigious , high-quality publication .
With an estimated readership of more than 8,000 , copies are mailed direct to every company on our database , and the rest are distributed by hand across the park , as well as to nearby hotels , restaurants and conference centres .
Our next issue will be out in early July , and the deadline to book is 5pm on Friday July 2 . To get involved in the next or any future issues , email sharon @ aycliffetoday . co . uk
Welcome to the 51st issue of Aycliffe Business .
Of course , virtual isn ’ t the same as meeting in person and we ’ re keen to move forward and once again meet together , and I ’ m delighted to be able to announce this is happening very soon !
We ’ re inviting all our Aycliffe Business Park community to join us , both old and new – this will be a great event to introduce yourself and meet your neighbours .
To be held at the Xcel Centre on Friday July 16 , the event will start with a formal ‘ welcome back ’, where we hope to introduce our new board members to guests , as well as details of our first paid-for member of the team , who will be tasked with increasing engagement around the business park even further .
Some of our fantastic local hospitality providers will be joining us to provide refreshments along with a lunch subsidised by ABP to welcome everyone back . Why not book in an extended lunch that day and enjoy a few summer drinks while catching up with the great community we get to be part of ?
Details and registration for the event are available at aycliffebusinesspark . co . uk or via our social media channels . Looking forward to seeing you there ! Kerina Clark Chair , Aycliffe Business Park Community
Aycliffe Business Units 8-9 , Parson ’ s Court , Welbury Way , Aycliffe Business Park , Newton Aycliffe , Co . Durham DL5 6ZE
www . aycliffetoday . co . uk
Published & distributed by Mantis Media Ltd : www . mantis-media . com
Business manager : Sharon Hutchinson Tel : 01325 728024 Mobile : 07940 870310 Email : sharon @ aycliffetoday . co . uk
Managing Editor : Martin Walker .
Contributors to this issue : Peter Barron , Martin Walker , Kerina Clark , Tony Thompson , Julie Turnbull .
Our photographers : Graeme Rowatt ( including cover ), Chris Booth .
Designed by KINSHIP : Call 07846186220 | Email sarah @ designbykinship . co . uk
Printed by : MT Print , Darlington .


Included in the May- June 2021 issue of Aycliffe Business …
Bright new brand has interpreting service soaring
Aycliffe ’ s biggest employer invests in new academy for employees
Businessman ’ s pledge to clean up Aycliffe Business Park
EXCLUSIVE : How the pioneers of robotics Husqvarna are futureproofing their Aycliffe operation
Stiller creates more new jobs after £ 500k investment in vehicle maintenance facility
Andrew Bailey targets Japan retirement trips after 15 years as Aycliffe town clerk
New town clerk has high ambitions for Aycliffe
The magazine for Aycliffe Business Park | 3