Issue 48 | Page 3



Included in the December 2020 issue of Aycliffe Business …
Welcome to the 48th issue of Aycliffe Business


’ m delighted to write the guest foreword for this special issue , which marks the eighth anniversary of Aycliffe Business , after its launch in December 2012 .
This year , of course , has been like no other . It has been challenging for all of us . I can ’ t think of anyone who hasn ’ t been adversely affected by Covid-19 – either professionally or personally – and I ’ m sure we ’ re all looking forward to brighter , more positive times ahead in 2021 .
But what has given me hope has been the endless enthusiasm of the people I speak to on Aycliffe Business Park .
I left the Northern Echo in 2016 after nearly 20 years as editor – and I ’ m proud to say I left as longest-serving editor in the paper ’ s history .
I ’ m now a freelance writer , and I was asked to write for Aycliffe Business just before the pandemic earlier in 2020 – producing the cover features , including my interview with Ebac chairman John Elliott in this issue .
Although I knew all about Aycliffe Business Park - and many of its businesses - prior to working for Aycliffe Business – I ’ ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know it even more , meeting so many businesses and people who work here , who are clearly so passionate about Aycliffe .
It has certainly given me the impression that a strong community spirit exists on the business park .
It has also demonstrated just how resilient and innovative businesses can be when faced with such challenges and , at times , adversity .
The importance of highlighting success stories in positive publications like Aycliffe Business can ’ t be underestimated . It creates a good vibe , it balances up the bad news , but – more importantly – it can inspire other people and business leaders , showing them what can be achieved .
I love nothing more than getting under the skin of businesses , understanding how they work , learning about their history and , ultimately , telling their stories .
I hope the readers of Aycliffe Business have enjoyed my features so far . And I look forward to telling more great stories in 2021 .
Any companies on Aycliffe Business Park with a positive story to tell should contact Aycliffe Business manager Sharon Hutchinson , and she ’ d be happy to talk through the options with you .
I ’ d like to wish everyone on Aycliffe Business
Park a very prosperous and healthy 2021 . Peter Barron MBE Freelance writer
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Aycliffe Business is Newton Aycliffe ’ s only business publication , which is mailed exclusively to companies on Aycliffe Business Park .

Launched in November 2012 , we provide firms with a unique platform to tell everyone about their services and success stories in our prestigious , high-quality publication .
With an estimated readership of more than 8,000 , copies are mailed direct to every company on our database , and the rest are distributed by hand across the park as well as nearby hotels , restaurants and conference centres .
Our next issue will be out in early February 2021 . To get involved in the next or any future issues , email sharon @ aycliffetoday . co . uk
Aycliffe Business Units 8-9 , Parson ’ s Court , Welbury Way , Aycliffe Business Park , Newton Aycliffe , Co . Durham DL5 6ZE
www . aycliffetoday . co . uk
Published & distributed by Mantis Media Ltd : www . mantis-media . com
Business manager : Sharon Hutchinson Tel : 01325 728024 Mobile : 07940 870310 Email : sharon @ aycliffetoday . co . uk
Managing Editor : Martin Walker .
Contributors to this issue : Peter Barron MBE , Laura Flood , Ben Healey , Martin Walker , Sarah Burns .
Our photographers : Graeme Rowatt ( including cover ), Chris Booth .
Designed by KINSHIP : Call 07846186220 Email sarah @ designbykinship . co . uk
Printed by : MT Print , Darlington .
15-year milestone for Aycliffe-based crafter firm
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The magazine for Aycliffe Business Park | 3