HR support – Lisa Fleming from Logico , which is one of many businesses already benefiting from a new HR platform launched by Greystone Legal partners Paul Humble ( left ) and Ben Healey .
Eric – the Employment Resource and Info Centre platform devised by Greystone Legal .
Aycliffe law firm launches innovative HR platform for clients
Leading commercial law firm
Greystone Legal has launched an innovative new HR platform that enables businesses to manage all their personnel information remotely .
Eric – which stands for Employment Resource and Information Centre – has been devised by Greystone partners Paul Humble and Ben Healey , in partnership with an experienced local developer .
The paperless portal enables employers to have a complete online HR audit trail , including the issuing of contracts , training licences , disciplinary records , holiday entitlement and all document management .
Eric also enables employees of those who use the software to have their own log-ins , so they can access their information quickly online .
Greystone – who specialise in commercial and employment law – are offering the software initially to their own retained clients .
But they also plan to roll it out to nonretained clients in 2021 as a separate business venture .
Greystone partner Paul Humble explained : “ We ’ re three years in business now and we ’ ve developed a strong client base .
“ Our main service is as commercial and employment law specialists , but since Covid especially we ’ ve been advising on HR issues .
“ Eric is a natural progression for Greystone , a bolt-on to what we already offer which complements the legal side of the business very well .
“ Over the course of 2021 we ’ ll be working in partnership with other organisations to roll it out further , which is the next stage of the development .”
Eric has all the functions of most HR service providers , but for around half of the cost . It has been developed using all the latest software and coding , with the most modern , GDPR-compliant security systems , and is hosted by Amazon web services .
It ’ s also fully-customisable to accommodate different requirements , so it can be tailored to meet the needs of any business ’ s specific needs , from very small firms up to large companies with hundreds of staff .
Ben Healey added : “ It ’ s been a very challenging year for everyone , but one of the things that has come out of it , with people working from home , has been the need for innovation .
“ This is an even bigger step towards a paperless office , and allows business owners to plug in and out when working from home .
“ It has involved large investment from Greystone , but we ’ ve already won a new contract based on the software already , and
To find out more about Greystone ’ s new HR facility , go to eric . hr , call 01325 787007 or email info @ eric . hr
we ’ re confident it will provide our clients with the perfect all-round HR solution .
“ We initially set out to design this for ourselves , but already have interest from other law firms , accountancies and HR providers interested in using the platform .”
Greystone Legal have kept abreast of the government ’ s ever-changing advice and law changes to provide contemporaneous and vital information through blogs and updates to their clients .
But the Aycliffe lawyers have retained 100 % of their clients since the outbreak .
Paul added : “ It ’ s been a very busy period advising our retained clients , who have staff on furlough , but our services have proven to be invaluable for our clients .
“ With all the new rules and guidance that has been coming through , which have been changing on a week-to-week basis , and trying to make sense of it , we ’ ve been a crucial extension of the business for most of our clients .
“ Of course , like everyone , we ’ re all hoping for a brighter and more settled 2021 .”
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