COVID-19 Business Support Brochure
Visit our COVID-19 Business Support brochure to find the support available for County Durham businesses during these challenging times :
1 . Grants , Loans and Equity - financial products and services
2 . Business Support - information , advice and guidance
3 . Digital Support - digital infrastructure , connectivity and digital opportunities
4 . Innovation - explore innovation and diversification
5 . Sector Support - information relevant to particular sectors
6 . Skills , Recruitment and Training - employability , internships , graduate recruitment , apprenticeships and upskilling or reskilling the workforce
7 . Business Start-Up - enterprise agencies , starting a business and start-up projects
8 . Supporting Employees - employee wellbeing and mental health initiatives
Visit our website to view the brochure : www . businessdurham . co . uk / covidbusinesssupport businessdurham12 /
LinkedIn business-durham @_ BusinessDurham
the work place
www . twpa . org . uk info @ twpa . org . uk
10 | Aycliffe Business