Issue 29 Issue 29 of North West News | Page 5

Dirt of The Little Diggers Our Garden grows… QA2.2.1 Healthy eating is promoted and food and drinks provided by the service are nutritious and appropriate for each child. As well as teaching about sustainability and self help skills. First the children harvested snow peas and beetroot form our garden. Then they washed and prepared the beetroot to cook. While this was happening, some children helped to cut carrot sticks. Thanks to Edi for contributing to this experience learning about healthy choices, by providing the carrots and making a yummy hummus for the children to try as a dip for our afternoon tea. Our garden is going very well and we have shared our spinach with our Families. Grown from seed and cared for by the Children and Educators of Little Diggers. Thank you to Brittany for bringing in a spinach dip and carrots for the children to share. We enjoyed it. Q.I.P. QA2.2 Healthy eating and physical activity are embedded in the program for children. Natalie recently attended a Munch and Move training which focused on the Fundamental Movements. Natalie has shared some new ideas to have the fundamental movements as part of our everyday practice, for example pictured below - playing the galloping game. LO3.2c Engage in increasingly complex sensorymotor skills and movement patterns. LO3.2k Show enthusiasm for participating in physical play and negotiating play spaces to ensure the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others.