Issue 26 | Page 95

Think big , start small - razorblue ’ s Jonathan Anderson says the firm can guide firms through a digital transformation .

Digital Transformation – what ’ s all the fuss about ?

The pandemic threw the corporate world into virtual mode and digital transformation became a priority
“ Digital Transformation ” is the process that enables businesses to successfully implement new change through technology .
Such change enables inherently new business processes and customer experiences to meet changing demands and market requirements .
Transformation is a journey and activities may vary greatly in size , complexity and approach but are critical endeavours for any organisation .
In many ways it can be viewed as a spectrum , ranging from “ going paperless ” to “ automating reports ” to “ digitalising entire production lines ”.
So , why now ? Change is constant , and the pace continues to accelerate . Spurred on by the pandemic , businesses have been somewhat forced into digitalisation .
Many have surprised themselves with the speed and success of their digital initiatives , with recent studies claiming that up to seven years of digital progress has been achieved in just a matter of months .
The need for business continuity , agility and new ways of working has resulted in business leaders taking more of a strategic approach to driving businesses forward through innovation and transformation .
Now is certainly the time that all regions across the UK need to not only recover but thrive .
With forces such as digital , remote working , cyber threats , regulation and net-zero ( to name a few ) in play , digital transformation is more imperative than ever before .
Getting started While there is no single guidebook on successful transformations , we have observed and identified these common traits :
1 . Think big , start small Digital transformation is very subjective and there is no ‘ one path ’. It is easy to be bold with your goals , but you also need to be realistic . Think big and start small . Every journey is different and the most successful transformations start with small changes , building momentum and learning through doing .
2 . Buy-in is a must All transformations require a cultural change . The most successful are those led by accountable leaders who collaborate and communicate the vision clearly with the rest of the team .
3 . Surround yourself with skills Transformation doesn ’ t happen overnight and takes a specific skillset to get projects off the ground . You ’ ll have a much better chance of success and return on investment if you work alongside a team of transformation experts with a deep understanding and extensive experience in digitally transforming businesses .
4 . Don ’ t forget the bigger picture It ’ s easy to focus and obsess over the project in hand . But it is important organisations create the culture , capability and confidence to sustain new ways of working and be better prepared to face ongoing change . Remember , digital transformation is not a destination , but a journey .
How we can help We have seen an influx of business leaders calling upon digital transformation as a tool for their business growth strategy .
This includes businesses who were previously reluctant to invest , but who since the pandemic have seen the value available .
Whether adopting business intelligence tools , automation , or a mixture of the two , such digitalisation is what will provide businesses the tools needed to prosper in a time of uncertainty .
Our in-house software division is made up of digital transformation experts , who are well-accustomed to taking longer-term business objectives and creating detailed roadmaps to showcase options on how best to reach these goals .
To keep up with the growing demands , we have increased our employee count by 30 per cent to ensure the technical support for our clients is kept to a five-star level of service .
Our team are Microsoft Gold Partners and continue to develop our product offering , with specific focus on power apps such as Artificial Intelligence and Power BI , to enhance operational efficiency at a time when its most needed .
At razorblue , we are more of a partner than a provider .
We execute , automate and secure scalable and sustainable solutions and work with clients at every stage of their transformation journey .
Jonathan Anderson Managing director , razorblue Software
The voice of business in the Tees region | 95