Issue 26 | Page 89



> Mortgage sales and origination system ( MSO ): Designed to make it quicker and easier for brokers to make mortgage applications . It is a fully integrated system that streamlines the process , with a series of automated actions – including solicitors , surveyors , and credit search – with the information held by expert underwriters making the lending decision . It is for new cases only and will be launched in early July . “ It is all about a quicker , more efficient decisionmaking process , giving members the security of it all coming together sooner ,” says Chris .
> New member experience platform : A significant investment in the Darlingtonline proposition . At present , customers can only view transactions online , but this new platform will enable them to open accounts online and have access to online banking via their mobile phones .
Phase 1 : Will allow existing members to open new accounts and have mobile functionality . Phase 2 : Allows existing mortgage members to switch quickly and seamlessly to a new deal digitally . Phase 3 : Enables new members to open accounts online .
“ By the middle of 2022 , MSO will be working for brokers , and the new online journey will be available to members , enabling the society to grow the balance sheet on savings and mortgages ,” says Chris . “ That means greater financial resilience , so we can invest more back into the business , with better profitability to feed back to local communities .”
> New telephony system : Launched in June , a web-based system , meaning staff can be logged on via their personal computers whether they are working in branch , head office , or from home . Designed in response to member feedback , and involving extensive staff consultation , it has enhanced functionality and unlimited lines , ensuring callers can be directed to the right person .
Andrew Craddock – chief executive of Darlington Building Society .
“ Our aim is to be as member-focused as possible , as well as growing our reputation as somewhere talented people want to work .”
“ The previous system didn ’ t have enough lines and that led to some frustration for members and staff , so this represents an important investment in the customer experience ,” says Chris . “ It will make it quicker and easier to meet the needs of members and minimise queueing .”
> A new , modern , memberfocused website : Designed to make member interaction much more accessible , including a customer chat facility , video guides ( VLOGS ), and the capacity to increase font size for partially sighted members . “ The society went out to tender for the development of a new website and the contract was won by Darlington-based Hush Digital . They were not just local , they were also the best , and that makes this one of the proudest and most positive elements of The Change Agenda ,” says Chris .
For Andrew Craddock , who took over as chief executive three years ago , The Change Agenda represents the pieces of a jigsaw that will take an already successful organisation to the next level .
“ It all adds up to a major investment in our future , with every element focused on improving member experience ,” he says .
The recent relocation of the Redcar branch into a more modern , spacious High Street building is the latest example of that commitment .
“ The pandemic has underlined the need for businesses to be resilient and flexible in the ways they engage members , and meet the needs of staff ,” says Andrew .
“ Our aim is to be as memberfocused as possible , as well as growing our reputation as somewhere talented people want to work .”
One hundred and sixty five years since it was formed , Darlington Building Society is equipped for one of the most important – and exciting – periods in its illustrious history .
The voice of business in the Tees region | 89