Issue 26 of North West News Issue 26 of North West News | Page 3

Dirt on Little Diggers

Recent highlights … Leading into Fathers Day children shared their gift and card with their Dads , Uncle , Pops . On Thursday the 1st we had a Blokes Day with an open invitation over the day and for lunch . Despite the rain we had a great turn out and we thank everyone who came to spend time with the children and contributed to the program . Thank you to Natalie and the Sparkles for the devilled eggs , and Jane and Brooke for preparing the lunch , which was enjoyed by all .
Our local Fire brigade Visited . Thank you to Roman Sisa and Jordan McGovern for coming in and discussing what to do incase of a fire , “ Get down low and go , go , go ", and if on fire to “ Stop , drop , and roll .” Also what to do in a fire evacuation , going through this with us . Then they showed the children the firefighters protective gear , as well as the fire truck and letting them have a go at squirting the hose … future firefighters in the making . It was also recommended for families to discuss and make an evacuation plan for home .
Connecting with Child Protection Week we invited some special visitors … focusing on Quality Area 2.3 Each child is protected . We would like to say Thank you to Penny , Megan -Jones and Cara Kennedy from Thiyamali ( Family Violence Services Inc . who came to teach the children about protective behaviours . They spoke to the children about the movie Inside / Out and feelings … good feelings and bad , Who you feel safe with and what to do if you don ’ t feel safe .
Penny then read the story My Underpants Rule ! “ What ’ s under my pants belongs only to me !” No one can touch there or ask me to see .” The children then got to decorate some underpants to take home and talk to their family about this topic . Thanks to Penny and Cara for visiting us and sharing this important message , your time is appreciated .