Industry-leading independent
systems integrator ITS has
cemented its plan for growth
during a busy lockdown period which
has seen the firm continue to provide its
high level of service to clients.
The company, based on
Middlesbrough’s Riverside Park, brought
in solutions including virtual engineering
services and remote access for clients
to ensure it continued to execute
projects in line with safety advice.
Documentation writing services,
design, building, testing and
validating control, machine vision and
management information systems did
not stop – and it is a source of pride
for managing director Malcolm Knott
that the ITS team, predominantly
working safely and remotely from their
own homes, have continued to deliver
essential services.
The company has also shared a series
of free webinars for clients to share
knowledge and assist manufacturing
and processing companies to be more
And it has switched its Regulatory
Compliance Training offering to an
online course to help those who might
have had more time during lockdown to
extend their knowledge.
And all this with safety of employees,
clients and supplier partners at the
Malcolm says ITS has completed
many actions over the last few months
to protect its employees and help
manufacturing companies looking to
diversify, address market challenges and
meet new customer requirements.
“After the lockdown we immediately
introduced contingency plans to reduce
the spread of the virus and enable our
team to continue serving client needs
effectively, remotely and safely,” he
“Whilst carrying out these actions, the
safety of our employees, customers and
supplier partners has been our highest
ITS has introduced virtual engineering
services and where needed, set up
remote access to clients’ IT systems.
The contingency plan also enabled
the firm’s engineering team to continue
supporting industry and manufacturing
operations, 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, efficiently, reliably and safely.
Short term, flexible and tailored
Service Level Agreements were also
introduced, making it possible for ITS
to remotely assist with support for
control systems, vision systems and
management information systems.
As were reliable solutions to support
the manufacturing restart.
“ITS is always there to help our
customers make substantial and
perpetual advances in their operational
performance through innovative thinking
and engineering excellence,” said
“Solving the problems that others
have tried and failed to solve and to
highlight solutions to problems they may
not yet see.”
The company has three decades
of industry experience in the
pharmaceutical sector which enabled it
Industrial Technology Systems, ITS House, High Force Road,
Riverside Park, Middlesbrough TS2 1RH
ITS adapts
portfolio to support
operations during
Covid-19 and
Direction – ITS managing
director Malcolm Knott.
to design and deliver a range of training
courses. It has already received positive
feedback for its online courses from
learners who were able to increase their
knowledge and competencies from the
comfort of their own homes.
Growth plans remain in place and as
part of them, ITS engineers have recently
attended training courses to learn about
the latest technology and best practices.
“We’re still aiming for the growth plans
we’ve put in place and will be investing
£100,000 in new equipment to help us
achieve those plans shortly and safely,”
added Malcolm.
Besides running the business
successfully in this uncertain time, ITS
has also been proud to take care of team
wellbeing, encouraging and providing
support for colleagues to talk openly
about mental health issues with each
As a result of the gradual relaxation
more and more projects are restarting, a
team of ITS engineers has already gone
back to work at a site in Europe and the
company has generated a number of
opportunities in the past few months.
Malcolm remains very optimistic
about the future of the company. ITS is
expecting an increased order intake in
the second half of the year and dynamic
growth in the next couple of years.
The voice of business in the Tees region | 65