THow Tees law firm has adapted to help
clients during Covid lockdown
he coronavirus crisis has shone a spotlight on legal
matters of all kinds.
And none more so than the family division of the
law which, despite lockdown, has been busier than
Matters of divorce have, as they often do when partners
spend prolonged periods of time together, been exacerbated
and, sadly, the issue of domestic abuse has also reared its
head in an unprecedented way.
The result has been an increasing workload for the talented
team at Valley-based based mixed practice law firm Punch
Robson, which has offices in Ingleby Barwick and Coulby
The team strengthened its number with the appointment
of associate solicitor Jennifer Williamson in April and has
adapted to both digital and essential face-to-face ways of
working with clients to ensure the exact same high level of
service has continued throughout these challenging times.
The early days of lockdown were marked with calls for
advice from separated families whose children usually spend
their time between two households, said divorce specialist
Katy Moody.
As the weeks have progressed, the desire to start divorce
proceedings has come to the fore as have matters relating to
domestic abuse.
“For families, the Covid crisis has created a lot of issues,”
said Katy.
“Lockdown has exacerbated issues for people who were
previously unhappy. From a divorce perspective, couples who
had been separated for years are deciding now is the time to
get it sorted out and draw a line under it.”
“Potentially harmful environments have also been
exacerbated by lockdown,” said Jennifer. “Particularly for
victims of domestic abuse.
“If there was going to be a quiet period, it might have been
expected to be the past six weeks but that has not been the
case at all. In fact, domestic abuse referrals have increased.”
The team has been busier than ever. As lockdown came
into force, they switched to implementing more remote ways
of working, staying in touch with clients by phone or video
calls and face-to-face contact where it has been essential.
As lockdown easing began, an appointment system abiding
by essential safety considerations has continued in the office.
Conversations can be difficult and sensitive in the family
area of the law but, says Jennifer, clients take a sense of
safety from knowing their solicitor is there when needed.
“We can see clients if necessary, but we have been keeping
in touch over the phone or via Teams really well and it gives
clients a sense of safety as well, to know that you are there at
the end of the phone,” she said.
“For victims of domestic abuse, significant abuse, those
conversations can be very difficult to have over the phone but
clients understand that’s the way it has had to be.
“Family law is often about emotional support and legal
Going forward, said Katy, the family courts have been given
the green light for a phased reopening.
The team at Punch Robson will continue its close
monitoring of the situation and the legal guidance as it
changes and adapts to best serve clients.
Elaine McLaine-
Wood – managing
partner at Tees law firm
Punch Robson.
The importance of getting your affairs
in order – both on a personal and a
professional level – has come to the
forefront during lockdown and the ongoing
coronavirus pandemic.
The team at Punch Robson has seen an
increasing number of enquiries and say the issue is
a crucial one.
Setting up or reviewing a will and protecting
assets are primary concerns as fears for health and
the changing commercial landscape come to the
fore, said Punch Robson managing partner Elaine
“From a business perspective, commercial clients
want advice with regards to getting wills set up, for
the vast number that don’t have wills,” said Elaine.
“If you have one, you might not have reviewed it for
a while.
“People are more nervous given the Covid
situation and not just on a personal level. Putting
together shareholders agreements, for example, or
considering what will happen to a business in the
event of someone passing away.”
“When people talk about changing wills, they do
it when there is a change in circumstances,” said
partner Andrew Steel, from Punch Robson’s private
client team.
“Covid-19 has changed a lot of circumstances
from a personal and a business point of view.”
The economic landscape may have changed the
value of a business for the better or for the worse
and business owners should consider how that
might have an effect on their estate and their family
members, he said.
Digital assets are also a consideration.
“The positive thing to come out of this is that we
are all doing more things digitally and we will all
have more assets that are digital in nature from a
personal and a business point of view.
“We have to start looking at how we deal with
digital assets in wills as well.”
The voice of business in the Tees region | 55