Name: Sarah Thorpe
Age: 42
Born: Otley, West Yorkshire
Organisation & Job title: UKSE area manager
When I was at school, I wanted to be… a maths teacher or a
scientist. My seven-year-old daughter currently has her sights set
on being a dog walker or a shelf-stacker and I’m looking forward
to seeing where her working life takes her!
The best business decision I ever made was… I would say this
wouldn’t I? – but it was joining UKSE and becoming involved with
the regeneration of steel areas. I thought about the move very
carefully as I was on maternity leave at the time and it involved
some considerable professional and personal changes. Luckily,
I made the right decision. UKSE has a fantastic team of people.
From our northern team based on Teesside to those at HQ in
Sheffield and in our other steel areas. A subsidiary of Tata Steel,
UKSE has an invaluable 45 years of experience in supporting
businesses with investments and business premises. I had to
quickly develop new networks but found Teesside to be such
a welcoming business community. The business leaders and
influencers here are a credit to the region and their passion for
the area was highly infectious. I’m still here seven years later and
with no itch.
The worst business decision I ever made was…a few years ago
I agreed, at short notice and as a favour, to speak at a business
conference before finding that the ‘select’ group of delegates
actually numbered 300. I try not to agonise too much about
business decisions, as if you constantly second guess then
nothing will ever move forward.
The best part of my job is…the people I meet. I get to work with
some great business management teams and their advisers. We
also have a Community Support Fund that helps local charities.
I’ve met some amazing people and it’s a very rewarding part of
my job.
The biggest downside of my working life is…not being able to
do it all. This year has seen the battle to juggle work with a young
family become even more complicated for parents but, somehow,
we make it work. My company is an exceptionally good employer
with family at its heart but I sometimes wish I could be in two
places at once!
Four words to describe me are…this is an impossible question
to answer honestly and modestly! I try to be perceptive,
trustworthy, approachable and easy-going and hope I succeed
some of the time.
My business mantra is…do unto others. Engage with people in a
respectful way and never forget that our aim and purpose is to
My greatest achievement is…being a mum.
The advice I’d give to business start-ups is…prepare thoroughly
and search out any sources of support available to you. Time
taken to prepare a sound business plan is never wasted.
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