diplomats scurrying across the Channel had not gone to waste . It was as if Brexit had never even been considered . Our leader ’ s thoughts drifted back to Farage , the Brexiteer , turning in his grave after his execution … if only he could see me now . The real essence with these talks was that they revolved around persuasion , power , and political guile , the three things which our man had . He glanced at the charter , ‘ Clause 48 , Emergency powers for the president ’ and on the front page , ‘ Clause 1 , President of the European Union to be decided by vote of the leaders of member nations ’. Persuasion , the name of the game . Here he was , President of the European Union , Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , primus inter pares of the European leaders . This was yet another major victory for the internally juxtaposed movement of aggressive liberalism , yet another victory for Charles Chalk .
It was his turn on the rostrum now , a fitting conclusion to Britain ’ s brief escape and return to the world of European politics . ‘ Thank you all ,’ he began with silken , whispering words , ’ for inviting me here today to consolidate Britain ’ s place in this Union . It is my pleasure to accept the newly-created title of European President for the next five years . I promise that you will experience never-before-seen prosperity as part of this new , more united Europe . In Varietate Concordia , our motto , summarises this Union well .’ His hand caressed the patinated oak of this lectern , a relic among all the metal and glass . ’ Together we shall conquer adversity and embrace our diversity , for it is that which makes us unique . Thank you .’
Chalk strolled into the night air , the breeze scattering his laboured thoughts with its carefree flight . He sighed and breathed in the Brussels perfume of car exhausts and petrichor … and then Chalk was no more .
She watched through the glass as a red dot flicked to Chalk ’ s neck . A smile played at her thin lips and her eyes creased with aged laughter . Chalk would never be able to conquer Europe , alas , with his brains spread on the Rue de la Loi . It satisfied Schmidt to watch this arrogant , not-so-super superman lie there as the police arrived . After all , it was only just punishment for his crimes . He , like his predecessors who voted to leave the EU , had tried to interfere in what was purely a German affair . He had engaged in blue sky thinking . It was Schmidt ’ s job , as it had been her predecessor ’ s 20 years before , to paint this British azure black .