Issue 129 May 2022 Flashmag! Numéro 129 Mai 2022 | Page 13


War does not spare Culture and Sport , it uses them ...

While the world is once again faced with these realities that we pretend not to see in order to clear our conscience , sport and culture , which are major tools of human society which , out of hypocrisy , have often been considered as free , from any military interference are taken hostage ; and shows us that the opposition of each other is total on all , ideological , military , economic and cultural levels . e resurgence of the cold war , since it has to be given a name , proves that war , with or without an army remains the logic of a world where greatness is only measured by the capacity of some people to harm others . So much so that , in the hot years of the cold war between the communist and capitalist bloc , we will have spoken of the balance of fear , or rather the balance of the capacity to inflict extreme su ering on one another .

The urge to possess and dominate others is intimately linked to the history of mankind , even though the West over the last 5 centuries has made it its major tool of international politics . Therefor it is totally laughable to think that sport and culture would be exempted from the expansionist fury , of the single thought which for eons refuses any compromise , so much it always finds good reason to crack down . Since the Christianization which was to save the souls of poor sub humans , including through the fright of slavery , colonialism , this light which was to bring knowledge to ignorant peoples , including through genocides such as that of the Germans on the Hereros at the beginning of the 20th century , or even the winds from the east and the fall of the Berlin Wall and the democracy which was to be imposed , including by cannons and
Flashmag ! Issue 129 May 2022