Blank Nothing
A Note for the Reader
The name Blank Nothing symbolizes the new endeavor of creating a magazine, something that has never been done before at our school. As a team, we have started this magazine with a blank page and endless possibilities. Our magazine staff has come from that “blank nothing” to bring you the creations of your peers.
Blank Nothing features poetry, visual art, writing, photography, and even music, amongst other things, all created and brought to you by SAE students.
Our plan is to base each issue upon a theme and have its showcased content follow as such. Although, we need the support of student submissions to create this. It would be very helpful, and appreciated if a handful, or even just one of you would be interested in submitting your work. So, we would love to see our fellow SAE students' art, music, or writing published to where all art lovers can see it.
Please submit to our email: [email protected]
Check out our submission guidelines at: saeblanknothing.weebly.com
We also have an Instagram: @blanknothingmagazine if you want to follow us and see what we are doing or posting.