In Him we have redemption through His blood :
Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it . And the Lord God commanded the man , saying , “ Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat ; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat , for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die .” ~ Genesis 2:15 - 17 NKJV
The Garden of Eden was a place of liberty , satisfaction , delight , pleasure and unhindered fellowship with God . Here , the presence of God dwelt in great intensity and man was clothed with God ' s glory . It was a place of security , abundance , prosperity and rest . This was , and still is the perfect environment where God intended man to live in and work from . It is where we must strive to be , because outside this environment , things take a different turn , for worst . Life becomes full of struggle , toil and hard labour .
In order to continue living in the Garden and fulfil God ' s plan for him , obedience was of great importance . God gave the man instructions on what to do and what not do , but He made a fatal mistake . He took the authority that God had given to Him and turned it over to Satan . Though the man had it all and the best from God , he ruined everything himself . By disobeying God and opting to obey and listen to the enemy , He became a captive of Satan . He literally surrendered everything to the enemy including the authority to rule the earth that God had originally given to him . It ' s this same authority that the Devil in Luke 4:5-6 , wanted to give over to Jesus .
The Devil said ; “ All dominion and authority over the earth has been turned over to me , and it ' s mine .” ( AMP )
Man became powerless and death took over . Death did not exist ; it came as a result of sin . When God told Adam that he would surely die if he ate the forbidden fruit , he did not mean that he would cease to exist ; it simply meant that death in all its forms will enter the earth . From then on , man would have to deal with death . Worry , anxiety , lack , diseases and