ISS Indonesia Company Profile (English) | Page 8

ISS Indonesia | Company Profile

OUR STRATEGY OneISS : Stronger , Simpler , Closer

Kasper Fangel , Group CEO , ISS A / S

“ The OneISS strategy that we launched at the end of 2020 remains unchanged . Since its launch , we have consistently demonstrated our ability to execute on our strategic ambitions , while at the same time operate our business through challenging macroeconomic conditions . We have achieved our turnaround targets , aligned our operating model across the Group which will continue , sharpened our segment-focused commercial processes , and enhanced our technology capabilities . There is much to be proud of and this reinforces our ambition to establish ourselves as the most respected global leader in Integrated Facility Services . However , we must continually strive to remain focused on the strategic execution of our OneISS strategy and creating a stronger , simpler , closer ISS that will deliver the best possible outcomes for our customer .”