My personal view of
a photographer is one
that imagines the world
through the lens. From
the wider perspective
of a colorful landscape,
through people and
subjects on the move,
capturing feelings up
to the smallest tears on
a childĀ“s face.
Create your photography while enjoying every
minute of the process is the essence of my art.
I was exposed to photography many years
ago, as a kid, with a fully manual film slr where
your greatest anticipation was for the few
days time, that the film will be processed and
printed. Since then the photography equipment
evolved greatly, but you must stick to the basic
techniques to get the best shot.
I love to walk around the city and capture the
urban life and moments, especially the night
time with the different lights.
"Life is like a photography,
we develop from negatives"
This analogy to life where you grow from your
experience is so true for the photography itself,
the more you learn and experience, the more
art you create.