Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict : A Brief Guide for the Perplexed
The Middle East always seems to be in the news . Hardly a day passes without a story on something going on in Israel or related to the Arab-Israeli conflict . Unfortunately , given the rapid-fire nature of much reporting these days , the discussion often lacks context . This essay seeks to provide both historical and contemporary context , though it is not intended as an exhaustive examination of the subject which would require a far larger volume .
The case to be made on behalf of Israel is as strong today as ever .
When presented with the facts , people of goodwill should understand : ( a ) Israel ’ s unrelenting quest for peace and security ; ( b ) the real dangers faced by Israel , a country no larger than New Jersey or Wales , two-thirds the size of Belgium , one percent the size of Saudi Arabia , and two percent the size of Egypt , in a tumultuous , heavily armed neighborhood ;
( c ) Israel ’ s unshakeable commitment to democracy , including free and fair elections , smooth transfers of power , civilian control over the military , freedom of speech , press , faith , and assembly , and an independent judiciary — all unique in the region ;
( d ) the common thread of the threats of extremism and terrorism faced by Israel , the United States , Europe , India , Australia , Africa , moderate Muslim countries , and others ; and
( e ) Israel ’ s impressive , indeed innovative and pathbreaking , contributions to world civilization in such fields as science ,