Hieroglyphic writing emerged more
or less suddenly as an essentially complete system that would
then survive unchanged for over
three and a half thousand years.
References suggest completed
books existed from as early as the
First Dynasty (2950 BC) proving
the Egyptians impressive comprehension way ahead of the global
population. A French man, JeanFrançois Champollion (the first decipher of the hieroglyph language)
counted over 1,400 hieroglyphs,
which eventually developed into a
400 page work detailing the idea
that despite the outward appearance, hieroglyphs were in fact not
a pictorial language. Papyrus paper
is world re-owned for it’s beauty and strength, the methodology
involved in its creation was developed by the Egyptians. This process used the stems of papyrus
plant pressed together to create
layers thick enough the write on,
a method which was later modernized to create the writing paper of
today. Scribes also had a important
role in the Egyptian language, one
quote shows how important they
became to Egyptian life; “Become
a scribe, take that to the heart,
so that your name shou