the impact deforms the
almost perfect sphere
geometry into a sharp
rectangular shape.
To avoid a silicon coating, the pellets are rolled
down into a shallow hot
water pond equipped
with a perforated bottom elevator, which
moves the pellets into
a dry silo. Forced cold
air silo ventilation cools
the pellets. Once the
temperature drops to
ambient, the pellets are
ready for transportation
to the concrete, asphalt
or road base production facilities – production QC/ QA furnished
required product evaluation. The produced
aggregates are clean
(washed) unlike the
aggregates from quarries. The size of produced
aggregates is controlled
by two elements – the
dropping height of the
melt and the rotating
speed of the hedgehog
cylinder. The variation
of the granular size is
very limited and easily
matches the required
granular size standard
fractions, unlike the
quarry-produced aggregates that required
additional screening.
Significant variations
will be expected only
at the time of incidental
of the production line.
Such produced aggregates will be used in an
untreated base course,
or recycled, crushed
and returned to the
beginning of the process. All production filters and the water from
the cooling basin are
recycled into artificial
aggregates – this process does not produce
any other waste.
The replacement o f
quarry-produced aggre-