However, accepting at this point
Let’s forget the artificial borders
the Greater Maghreb “Berber”, we
which have fragmented the culturwill note that their borders incoral unity which we will call Greater
porate a greater expanse, for we
Maghreb, integrated by nations such
must include the Canary Islands to
as Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria,
the West and Egypt in the opposite
Tunisia, Libya and, at least in part,
direction. The map we will provide
Mali and Niger, without forgetyou with is even less
ting Western Sahara arbitrary. There
or Sahrawi Arab
is anthroDemocratic
cal and
-, whose
“The Egyptian god Amón-Ra,
archeo w n
of Saharian-African Origin,
ologigeopowould be the deity Achamón
c a l
(Sun) of the Guanches of
e v i definiTenerife”
w h i c h
today as
sorrowful as
it. The most
it is polemic.
important, undoubtNow, let’s observe this
edly, has to do with the language
part of the African North East way
and writing. With this point, it is conbefore its Islamization. We will go
venient to define “Berber”. Actually,
to approximately 6000 years ago,
this term was coined in times of
in a land populated by who were
the Roman Empire, referring to the
colloquially called the “Berber” ethsupposed “barbaric” nature of those
nic group (we will later see why
North African tribes. Therefore, we
this definition is inappropriate).