For example: the mitochondria of a
cell is essential for the generation
of ATP which is the molecular energy that is essential for the various
metabolic reactions in a single cell
to occur. The DNA, mRNA and the
tRNA is essential for the transcription and the translation of various proteins and peptides that are
essential for its daily growth and
metabolism. The cell membrane
consists of numerous receptors
that allow the flux of Na+, K+, Cl-,
H+ ions. The blood, plasma extra
cellular fluids and the intra cellular
fluids of our body are composed of
ions like H+, Na+, K+,Cl-, Ca2+.
At molecular level, each and
every metabolic reaction occurs
due to the interaction between
two or more peptides or proteins.
The protein, in fact, is nothing but
a molecular structure made up of
atoms like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. The reason
for any reaction to occur between