Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #14 | Page 35
The first step from
combined temperature
/ pressure of the amorphous glass matrix will
be formation of Cesium
crystal X-ray diffraction
(space group P 6¯ 2m,
a = 9.578(5) Å, c =
4.155(5) Å, Z = 0.5, 269
F(hkl), R = 0.0424) Ref
to Original Russian Text
© A.E. Lapshin, N.V.
Borisova, V.M. Ushakov,
Yu.F. Shepelev, 2006,
published in Zhurnal
Neorganicheskoi Khimii,
2006, Vol. 51, No. 11,
pp. 1804–1808).
The excess Oxygen
amount from the original Cesium oxide will
be consumed by the
formation of water
vapor with the available Hydrogen from
HLW. Once formed, the
Cesium silicate undergoes a stage of collapsing during the decay
transition – a process
already determined in
Nuclear Waste science.
It is very important
The next step will be
to recognize the signifiThe required Oxygen cant space differences the transitional formaatom will come ini- along the Crystalline tion of Barium Silicate,
coming from the Cesium
tially from the Cesium lattice vectors.
decay in Cesium
oxide in the HLW or
Silicon dioxide packets in the glass. During
this crystalline lattice
formation, the newly
formed Cesium Silicate
will require additional
space inside the amorphous glass matrix. This
results in a rearrangement of atoms’ positions in the much larger
Example of initial Cesium Oxide cluster
lattice compared to the
amorphous one (single34