Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #14 | Page 22

Have you ever gone through the results of a poll conducted by Dr. Tullio Simoncini, a famous oncologist from Rome, who has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer, among doctors? Well, if not, here is what the poll was about. Dr. Tullio Simoncini tried to find out from the doctors who participated in the survey, whether they themselves would undergo chemotherapy if required. Do you know what the outcome was? 75% refused it outright. They were not sure of its effectiveness but were well aware of its devastating effects on the entire human organism {3}. “According to medical associa“According to medical associations, tions, the notothe notorious and dangerous side rious and daneffects of drugs have become the gerous side fourth main cause of death after effects of drugs infarction, cancer and apoplexy” have become the fourth main cause of death after infarction, cancer and apoplexy” {4}. In the Journal of American Medical Association, Dr. 21