dollars - that’s twice
what they were aiming for. To add to this,
the American Federal
Highway Administration
had previously invested
$750,000. This big idea
was obviously capturing
the public’s and state’s
It kick-started a crowd- attention.
funding campaign that
And frankly, why
went on for two months
and managed to raise wouldn’t it? If you don’t
2.2 million American have the time or the
Roadways, which has
amassed nearly 20 million views (have a look
for yourself using the
link below).
disposition to watch the
above video in full, then
here’s a brief list of the
proposed benefits:
• Production
enough clean renewable
energy to supply the
USA with three times
its needs (assuming
the whole road network
was transformed). The
worries of global warming and our dependence
Could ‘Solar Freakin’ Roadways’ make these images
a thing of the past?