Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #11 | Page 47

The famous Brazilian medium Chico Xavier, who died in 2002, wrote MEDIUMSHIP IN THE more than 400 books by 600 spiriLABORATORY tual authors but never took credit Mediums claim that they can some- for being the author of any of them. how feel the spirits of deceased Heavily influenced by the works of 19th-century French spiritist Allan people. According to spiritist terminology, Kardec, Xavier professed that his these spirits are called “discarnate”. hand was guided by spirits who dictated to him. An estimated 50 million copies of his books have been sold, and all the profits from these sales have been channelled into charity work. In 1981 and 1982, Xavier was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Furthermore, he attended to, free of charge, around 60 people per day in his modest home in the city of Uberaba. Apart from books, Xavier wrote letters from d eceased people Allan Kardec 46