Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #11 | Page 38

INTERVIEW WITH DR. EBEN ALEXANDER THE SKEPTIC NEUROSURGEON WHO WENT TO HEAVEN AND CAME BACK by Mado Martinez website F ferent man. Now he truly thinks, he truly knows that there is life beyond death. rom a skeptic to a believer. What makes an atheist neurosurgeon who didn’t believe in Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), change his mind to the point of affirming that Heaven is real? What happened? Well, it’s easy. Dr. Alexander almost died. His brain was attacked by a bacteria that kept him in a coma for seven days and turned off his synapses. While his physical body was in the bed of a hospital surrounded by his family, this neurosurgeon was in another place; a Heaven where he learnt important lessons… For many years, Dr. Eben Alexander thought that everything finished when you die. Near-Death Experiences? What were they? Surely a result of a lack of oxygen in the brain but nothing else, and he was so sure about it that he even manifested it.