is There a psycholoGical
explanaTion for The near
DeaTh experience?
I have always had an interest in
NDEs and despite never experiencing one myself I am a strong
believer in them. However, as a
psychologist I couldn’t help but
delve into the past research and
see if there was anything verging
on a purely psychological explanation for the NDE. Many scientists
point to neurobiological evidence,
such as a lack of oxygen in the
brain as the reason for NDEs, and
other corroborating evidence also
points to neurobiological factors.
In fact, oxygen starvation causing
n the last issue of Ispectrum
magazine we had a fascinating interview with Dr Eben
Alexander, a distinguished neurosurgeon and sceptic of the near
death experience (NDE). He never
foresaw that, despite writing a
paper discrediting people’s experience of NDEs, he would one day
become a believer. After bacteria
attacked his brain and put him in
a coma for seven days he had his
own NDE in a heavenly realm, and
he awoke from that coma a changed
man, a believer.
P hoto credit: bp girl (