M.M. Are you looking forward
to your future death?
M.N. I have no fear of death and
look forward to the day when my
time is over. I would not accelerate
my death as I know that I have, just
as every person has, more work to
do here on Earth. One of the overwhelming feelings I had while I was
in heaven, however, was the sense
that I was “home” and I definitely
look forward to the day when my
work is done and I am able to go
home again.
M.M NDEs it’s a very controversial topic. Most of the doctors
simply deny them. Do you think
it will arrive one day that science can prove the Afterlife or
is it impossible, proving spiritual things with material tools?
What’s your opinion?
M.N. I believe spiritual things are
outside the boundaries of science
and medicine. I think our observations on death and on NDEs will
continue to become more detailed,
but absolute proof will continue to