Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #11 | Page 12

as terminal lucidity and deathbed visions; after-death communication; and mediumship”. This suggests a blurred haze over the true extent of the existence of the afterlife. Whether it be ‘’the void’ suggested by Dr Kevin Williams or the theory in recent news that Professor Robert Lanza ‘claims the theory of biocentrism [the theory of everything or life centre] teaches that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness’. We must attach the existence of the afterlife with Near Death experiences as we pause to question where exactly our minds visit, if it is not simply a hallucination as previously discussed. The five phase theory of Near Death Experiences The five phase theory of Near Death Experiences presented by Maureen Venselaar also suggests a neurological occurrence in a near death experience is the most dominant over other spiritual or religious happenings. The theory suggests the five stages to be; “Separation from the p h y s i c a l body, a journey through a tunnel to a heavenly light, being in the presence 11 of light [near a border], the return through a tunnel to the physical body and unification with the physical body”7 This suggests